
Found 246 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Engineering medical decisions: computer algorithms and the manipulation of choice., Stark, Meredith, and Fins Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2013 Oct, Volume 22, Issue 4, p.373-81, (2013)
The effect of the visual context in the recognition of symbolic gestures., Villarreal, Mirta F., Fridman Esteban A., and Leiguarda Ramon C. , PLoS One, 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.e29644, (2012)
Dynamics of coupled thalamocortical modules., Drover, Jonathan D., Schiff Nicholas D., and Victor Jonathan D. , J Comput Neurosci, 2010 Jun, Volume 28, Issue 3, p.605-16, (2010)
Dynamic shifts of the contrast-response function., Victor, J D., Conte M M., and Purpura K P. , Vis Neurosci, 1997 May-Jun, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.577-87, (1997)
Dynamic regimes of neocortical activity linked to corticothalamic integrity correlate with outcomes in acute anoxic brain injury after cardiac arrest., Forgacs, Peter B., Frey Hans-Peter, Velazquez Angela, Thompson Stephanie, Brodie Daniel, Moitra Vivek, Rabani Leroy, Park Soojin, Agarwal Sachin, Falo Maria Cristina, et al. , Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2017 02, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.119-129, (2017)
Does vestibular stimulation activate thalamocortical mechanisms that reintegrate impaired cortical regions?, Schiff, N D., and Pulver M , Proc Biol Sci, 1999 Feb 22, Volume 266, Issue 1417, p.421-3, (1999)
Divergent neural responses to narrative speech in disorders of consciousness., Iotzov, Ivan, Fidali Brian C., Petroni Agustin, Conte Mary M., Schiff Nicholas D., and Parra Lucas C. , Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2017 11, Volume 4, Issue 11, p.784-792, (2017)
Dissociations between behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging-based evaluations of cognitive function after brain injury., Bardin, Jonathan C., Fins Joseph J., Katz Douglas I., Hersh Jennifer, Heier Linda A., Tabelow Karsten, Dyke Jonathan P., Ballon Douglas J., Schiff Nicholas D., and Voss Henning U. , Brain, 2011 Mar, Volume 134, Issue Pt 3, p.769-82, (2011)
Dissecting DBS Dynamics through quantitative behavioral assessments and statistical modeling: a commentary on Cooper et al. 2011., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Exp Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 233, Issue 2, p.747-8, (2012)
Disorders of consciousness. Preface., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.ix-xi, (2009)
Disorders of Consciousness, Past, Present, and Future., Fins, Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2019 10, Volume 28, Issue 4, p.603-615, (2019)
Disorders of consciousness and disordered care: families, caregivers, and narratives of necessity., Fins, Joseph J. , Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2013 Oct, Volume 94, Issue 10, p.1934-9, (2013)
Disorders of Consciousness and Disability Law., Fins, Joseph J., Wright Megan S., and Bagenstos Samuel R. , Mayo Clin Proc, 2020 Aug, Volume 95, Issue 8, p.1732-1739, (2020)
Disorders of consciousness after acquired brain injury: the state of the science., Giacino, Joseph T., Fins Joseph J., Laureys Steven, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Nat Rev Neurol, 2014 Feb, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.99-114, (2014)
Disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Fins Joseph J. , Mayo Clin Proc, 2007 Feb, Volume 82, Issue 2, p.250-1; author reply 251, (2007)
Diffusion tensor imaging: structural adaptive smoothing., Tabelow, Karsten, Polzehl Jörg, Spokoiny Vladimir, and Voss Henning U. , Neuroimage, 2008 Feb 15, Volume 39, Issue 4, p.1763-73, (2008)
Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury., Fins, J J., and Schiff N.D. , Journal of the American Medical Association, 10 May 2000, Volume 283, Issue 18, (2000)
Developing prosthetics to treat cognitive disabilities resulting from acquired brain injuries., Schiff, Nicholas D., Plum Fred, and Rezai Ali R. , Neurol Res, 2002 Mar, Volume 24, Issue 2, p.116-24, (2002)
Determination of awareness in patients with severe brain injury using EEG power spectral analysis., Goldfine, Andrew M., Victor Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., Bardin Jonathan C., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Clin Neurophysiol, 2011 Nov, Volume 122, Issue 11, p.2157-68, (2011)
Detection of Helicobacter pylori in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques., Ameriso, S F., Fridman E A., Leiguarda R C., and Sevlever G E. , Stroke, 2001 Feb, Volume 32, Issue 2, p.385-91, (2001)
Detecting symmetry and faces: separating the tasks and identifying their interactions., Jones, Rebecca M., Victor Jonathan D., and Conte Mary M. , Atten Percept Psychophys, 2012 Jul, Volume 74, Issue 5, p.988-1000, (2012)
Detecting perturbations in polyrhythms: effects of complexity and attentional strategies., Fidali, Brian C., Poudrier Eve, and Repp Bruno H. , Psychol Res, 2013 Mar, Volume 77, Issue 2, p.183-95, (2013)
Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle., Schiff, Nicholas D., Giacino Joseph T., and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2009 Jun, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.697-702, (2009)
Deep Brain Stimulation, Free Markets and the Scientific Commons: Is It time to Revisit the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980?, Fins, Joseph J. , Neuromodulation, 2010 Jul, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.153-9, (2010)
Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders., Nuttin, Bart, Gybels Jan, Cosyns Paul, Gabriels Loes, Meyerson Bjorn, Andreewitch Sergej, Rasmussen Steven A., Greenberg Benjamin, Friehs Gerhard, Rezai Ali R., et al. , Neurosurg Clin N Am, 2003 Apr, Volume 14, Issue 2, p.xv-xvi, (2003)