Hidden Cognition in the Severely Injured Brain: How to Identify It and Where Do We Go from There?
International Forum on Consciousness
May 17, 2018
Late recovery and hidden cognition in the severely injured brain: an unmet challenge
The Robert and Russell Moody Lecture Series
April 4, 2018
Understanding human consciousness through the lens of recovery from coma
American Philosophical Society
April 28, 2016
Brain Injury, Ethics, and the Struggle for Consciousness: A Conversation with Dr. Joseph Fins
School of Continuing Education, Columbia University
October 29, 2015
Identifying and recruiting cognitive reserve after severe brain injuries: a challenging and rapidly changing landscape for clinical ethics
MacLean Center, for Clinical Medical Ethics
October 21, 2015
Central thalamic deep brain stimulation: from proof of concept toward generalizability
New Ideas, Perspectives and Applications in Functional Neurosurgery
December 19, 2014
Measuring Borderline States of Consciousness
NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness and the NYU Center for Bioethics
October 24, 2014