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Rethinking disorders of consciousness: new research and its implications., Fins, Joseph J. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2005 Mar-Apr, Volume 35, Issue 2, p.22-4, (2005)
Constructive Disappointment and Disbelief: Building a Career in Neuroethics., Fins, Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2018 10, Volume 27, Issue 4, p.544-553, (2018)
Severe brain injury and organ solicitation: a call for temperance., Fins, Joseph J. , Virtual Mentor, 2012 Mar, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.221-6, (2012)
Commentary: from contract to covenant in advance care planning., Fins, Joseph J. , J Law Med Ethics, 1999 Spring, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.46-51, (1999)
Deep brain stimulation, deontology and duty: the moral obligation of non-abandonment at the neural interface., Fins, Joseph J. , J Neural Eng, 2009 Oct, Volume 6, Issue 5, p.050201, (2009)
Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury., Fins, J J., and Schiff N.D. , Journal of the American Medical Association, 10 May 2000, Volume 283, Issue 18, (2000)
Neuroimaging and neuroethics: clinical and policy considerations., Fins, Joseph J., and Shapiro Zachary E. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2007 Dec, Volume 20, Issue 6, p.650-4, (2007)
Being open minded about neuromodulation trials: Finding success in our "failures"., Fins, Joseph J., Kubu Cynthia S., Mayberg Helen S., Merkel Reinhard, Nuttin Bart, and Schlaepfer Thomas E. , Brain Stimul, 2017 Mar - Apr, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.181-186, (2017)
Deep brain stimulation, brain maps and personalized medicine: lessons from the human genome project., Fins, Joseph J., and Shapiro Zachary E. , Brain Topogr, 2014 Jan, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.55-62, (2014)
Misuse of the FDA's humanitarian device exemption in deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder., Fins, Joseph J., Mayberg Helen S., Nuttin Bart, Kubu Cynthia S., Galert Thorsten, Sturm Volker, Stoppenbrink Katja, Merkel Reinhard, and Schlaepfer Thomas E. , Health Aff (Millwood), 2011 Feb, Volume 30, Issue 2, p.302-11, (2011)
Neuroethics and neuroimaging: moving toward transparency., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Sep, Volume 8, Issue 9, p.46-52, (2008)
The Orwellian threat to emerging neurodiagnostic technologies., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2005 Spring, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.56-8; discussion W5, (2005)
Ethical, palliative, and policy considerations in disorders of consciousness., Fins, Joseph J., and Bernat James L. , Neurology, 2018 09 04, Volume 91, Issue 10, p.471-475, (2018)
Challenges to deep brain stimulation: a pragmatic response to ethical, fiscal, and regulatory concerns., Fins, Joseph J., Dorfman Gary S., and Pancrazio Joseph J. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2012 Aug, Volume 1265, p.80-90, (2012)
The ethical limits of neuroscience., Fins, Joseph J. , Lancet Neurol, 2002 Aug, Volume 1, Issue 4, p.213, (2002)
Disorders of Consciousness and Disability Law., Fins, Joseph J., Wright Megan S., and Bagenstos Samuel R. , Mayo Clin Proc, 2020 Aug, Volume 95, Issue 8, p.1732-1739, (2020)
Whither the "Improvement Standard"? Coverage for Severe Brain Injury after Jimmo v. Sebelius., Fins, Joseph J., Wright Megan S., Kraft Claudia, Rogers Alix, Romani Marina B., Godwin Samantha, and Ulrich Michael R. , J Law Med Ethics, 2016 Mar, Volume 44, Issue 1, p.182-93, (2016)
Deep brain stimulation: calculating the true costs of surgical innovation., Fins, Joseph J. , Virtual Mentor, 2010, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.114-8, (2010)
"Humanities are the Hormones:" Osler, Penfield and "Neuroethics" Revisited., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Jan, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.W5-8, (2008)
Minds apart: severe brain injury, citizenship and civil rights., Fins, J J., and Freeman M , Law and neuroscience: current legal issues, Volume 13, New York, p.pp. 367-384, (2010)
Neurological diagnosis is more than a state of mind: diagnostic clarity and impaired consciousness., Fins, Joseph J., and Plum Fred , Arch Neurol, 2004 Sep, Volume 61, Issue 9, p.1354-5, (2004)
Once and Future Clinical Neuroethics: A History of What Was and What Might Be., Fins, Joseph J. , J Clin Ethics, Spring 2019, Volume 30, Issue 1, p.27-34, (0)
Ethical guidance for the management of conflicts of interest for researchers, engineers and clinicians engaged in the development of therapeutic deep brain stimulation., Fins, Joseph J., Schlaepfer Thomas E., Nuttin Bart, Kubu Cynthia S., Galert Thorsten, Sturm Volker, Merkel Reinhard, and Mayberg Helen S. , J Neural Eng, 2011 Jun, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.033001, (2011)
The ethics of measuring and modulating consciousness: the imperative of minding time., Fins, Joseph J. , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 177, p.371-82, (2009)
Solitary Advocates: The Severely Brain Injured and their Surrogates., Fins, J J., and Hersh J. , Transforming Health Care from Below: Patients as Actors in U.S. Health Policy, (2011)