
Found 246 results
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Bringing neuroimaging tools closer to diagnostic use in the severely injured brain., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Brain, 2007 Oct, Volume 130, Issue Pt 10, p.2482-3, (2007)
Brain stimulation in neurology and psychiatry: perspectives on an evolving field., Leuchter, Bruce, Pedley Timothy A., Lisanby Sarah H., Mayberg Helen S., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2012 Aug, Volume 1265, p.vii-x, (2012)
Brain Injury and the Culture of Neglect: Musings on an Uncertain Future., Fins, J J., and Suppes A. , Social Research, Volume 78, p.731-746, (2011)
Brain death and disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Fins Joseph J. , Curr Biol, 2016 07 11, Volume 26, Issue 13, p.R572-R576, (2016)
Border zones of consciousness: another immigration debate?, Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2007 Jan, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.51-4; discussion W1-4, (2007)
Being open minded about neuromodulation trials: Finding success in our "failures"., Fins, Joseph J., Kubu Cynthia S., Mayberg Helen S., Merkel Reinhard, Nuttin Bart, and Schlaepfer Thomas E. , Brain Stimul, 2017 Mar - Apr, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.181-186, (2017)
Being conscious of their burden: severe brain injury and the two cultures challenge., Fins, Joseph J. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.131-47, (2009)
Behavioural improvements with thalamic stimulation after severe traumatic brain injury., Schiff, N D., Giacino J T., Kalmar K, Victor J D., Baker K, Gerber M, Fritz B, Eisenberg B, Biondi T, O'Connor J, et al. , Nature, 2007 Aug 2, Volume 448, Issue 7153, p.600-3, (2007)
Bedside quantitative electroencephalography improves assessment of consciousness in comatose subarachnoid hemorrhage patients., Claassen, Jan, Velazquez Angela, Meyers Emma, Witsch Jens, M Falo Cristina, Park Soojin, Agarwal Sachin, J Schmidt Michael, Schiff Nicholas D., Sitt Jacobo D., et al. , Ann Neurol, 2016 10, Volume 80, Issue 4, p.541-53, (2016)
Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state., Goldfine, Andrew M., Victor Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., Bardin Jonathan C., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Lancet, 2012 May 5, Volume 379, Issue 9827, p.1701-2; author reply 1702, (2012)
A Bayesian statistical analysis of behavioral facilitation associated with deep brain stimulation., Smith, Anne C., Shah Sudhin A., Hudson Andrew E., Purpura Keith P., Victor Jonathan D., Brown Emery N., and Schiff Nicholas D. , J Neurosci Methods, 2009 Oct 15, Volume 183, Issue 2, p.267-76, (2009)
Author response: Practice guideline update recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the AAN; ACRM; and NIDILRR, Armstrong, Melissa J., Giacino Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, et al. , Neurology, 2019 06 11, Volume 92, Issue 24, p.1164, (2019)
The Auditory-Brainstem Response to Continuous, Non-repetitive Speech Is Modulated by the Speech Envelope and Reflects Speech Processing., Reichenbach, Chagit S., Braiman Chananel, Schiff Nicholas D., Hudspeth A J., and Reichenbach Tobias , Front Comput Neurosci, 2016, Volume 10, p.47, (2016)
Attentional modulation of adaptation in V4., Hudson, Andrew E., Schiff Nicholas D., Victor Jonathan D., and Purpura Keith P. , Eur J Neurosci, 2009 Jul, Volume 30, Issue 1, p.151-71, (2009)
Assessment of Covert Consciousness in the Intensive Care Unit: Clinical and Ethical Considerations., Edlow, Brian L., and Fins Joseph J. , J Head Trauma Rehabil, 2018 Nov/Dec, Volume 33, Issue 6, p.424-434, (2018)
Arterial spin labeling and altered cerebral blood flow patterns in the minimally conscious state., Liu, A A., Voss H U., Dyke J P., Heier L A., and Schiff N D. , Neurology, 2011 Oct 18, Volume 77, Issue 16, p.1518-23, (2011)
Are we equal in death? Avoiding diagnostic error in brain death., Laureys, Steven, and Fins Joseph J. , Neurology, 2008 Jan 22, Volume 70, Issue 4, p.e14-5, (2008)
The application of a mathematical model linking structural and functional connectomes in severe brain injury., Kuceyeski, A, Shah S, Dyke J P., Bickel S, Abdelnour F, Schiff N D., Voss H U., and Raj A , Neuroimage Clin, 2016, Volume 11, p.635-47, (2016)
Another "Awakenings"., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Posner Jerome B. , Ann Neurol, 2007 Jul, Volume 62, Issue 1, p.5-7, (2007)
Analysis of perisaccadic field potentials in the occipitotemporal pathway during active vision., Purpura, Keith P., Kalik Steven F., and Schiff Nicholas D. , J Neurophysiol, 2003 Nov, Volume 90, Issue 5, p.3455-78, (2003)
The afterlife of Terri Schiavo., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2005 Jul-Aug, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.8, (2005)