Recovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis.

TitleRecovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSchiff, Nicholas D.
JournalTrends Neurosci
Date Published2010 Jan
KeywordsBrain Injuries, Coma, Post-Head Injury, Consciousness, Humans, Recovery of Function

Recovery of consciousness following severe brain injuries can occur over long time intervals. Importantly, evolving cognitive recovery can be strongly dissociated from motor recovery in some individuals, resulting in underestimation of cognitive capacities. Common mechanisms of cerebral dysfunction that arise at the neuronal population level may explain slow functional recoveries from severe brain injuries. This review proposes a "mesocircuit" model that predicts specific roles for different structural and dynamic changes that may occur gradually during recovery. Recent functional neuroimaging studies that operationally identify varying levels of awareness, memory and other higher brain functions in patients with no behavioral evidence of these cognitive capacities are discussed. Measuring evolving changes in underlying brain function and dynamics post-injury and post-treatment frames future investigative work.

Alternate JournalTrends Neurosci.
PubMed ID19954851
PubMed Central IDPMC2931585
Grant ListK02 NS002172-01 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
K08 NS002014-03 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
M01 RR000047 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
M01 RR000047-476102 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD051912-01A2 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD051912-04 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 NS067249 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
R21 NS043451-03 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States

Weill Cornell Medicine Consortium for the Advanced Study of Brain Injury 520 East 70th Street New York, NY