Towards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation.

TitleTowards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsSchiff, N.D., and Purpura K P.
JournalThalamus and Related Systems
Date Published31 July 2002
It may soon be possible to adapt the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) technologies developed to treat movement disorders to improve
the general cognitive function of brain-injured patients. We outline neurophysiological foundations for novel neuromodulation strategies
to address these goals. Emphasis is placed on developing a rationale for targeting the intralaminar and related nuclei of the human thalamus
for electrical stimulation. Recent anatomical and physiological studies are compared with original neurophysiological recordings obtained
in an alert non-human primate. In this context we consider neuronal mechanisms that may underlie both clinical observations and cognitive
rehabilitation maneuvers that provide theoretical support for open and closed-loop strategies to remediate acquired cognitive disability

Weill Cornell Medicine Consortium for the Advanced Study of Brain Injury 520 East 70th Street New York, NY