
Found 246 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Developing prosthetics to treat cognitive disabilities resulting from acquired brain injuries., Schiff, Nicholas D., Plum Fred, and Rezai Ali R. , Neurol Res, 2002 Mar, Volume 24, Issue 2, p.116-24, (2002)
The ethical limits of neuroscience., Fins, Joseph J. , Lancet Neurol, 2002 Aug, Volume 1, Issue 4, p.213, (2002)
The minimally conscious state: definition and diagnostic criteria., Fins, Joseph J. , Neurology, 2002 Nov 12, Volume 59, Issue 9, p.1473; author reply 1473-4, (2002)
Possible relationships of anesthetic coma and pathological disorders of consciousness., Schiff, N.D., and Plum F. , Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience: Neural Mechanisms of Anesthesia Edited by Josph F. Antognini et al., Totowa, p.75-86, (2002)
Residual cerebral activity and behavioural fragments can remain in the persistently vegetative brain., Schiff, Nicholas D., Ribary Urs, Moreno Diana Rodriguez, Beattie Bradley, Kronberg Eugene, Blasberg Ronald, Giacino Joseph, McCagg Caroline, Fins Joseph J., Llinás Rodolfo, et al. , Brain, 2002 Jun, Volume 125, Issue Pt 6, p.1210-34, (2002)
Towards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation., Schiff, N.D., and Purpura K P. , Thalamus and Related Systems, 31 July 2002, Volume 2, p.55-69, (2002)
The afterlife of Terri Schiavo., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2005 Jul-Aug, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.8, (2005)
Clinical pragmatism and the care of brain damaged patients: toward a palliative neuroethics for disorders of consciousness., Fins, Joseph J. , Prog Brain Res, 2005, Volume 150, p.565-82, (2005)
Contracts, covenants and advance care planning: an empirical study of the moral obligations of patient and proxy., Fins, Joseph J., Maltby Barbara S., Friedmann Erika, Greene Michele G., Norris Kaye, Adelman Ronald, and Byock Ira , J Pain Symptom Manage, 2005 Jan, Volume 29, Issue 1, p.55-68, (2005)
fMRI reveals large-scale network activation in minimally conscious patients., Schiff, N D., Rodriguez-Moreno D, Kamal A, Kim K H. S., Giacino J T., Plum F, and Hirsch J , Neurology, 2005 Feb 8, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.514-23, (2005)
Local processes and spatial pooling in texture and symmetry detection., Victor, Jonathan D., and Conte Mary M. , Vision Res, 2005 Apr, Volume 45, Issue 8, p.1063-73, (2005)
Modeling the minimally conscious state: measurements of brain function and therapeutic possibilities., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2005, Volume 150, p.473-93, (2005)
Neurophysiological correlates of persistent vegetative and minimally conscious states., Kobylarz, Erik J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Neuropsychol Rehabil, 2005 Jul-Sep, Volume 15, Issue 3-4, p.323-32, (2005)
The Orwellian threat to emerging neurodiagnostic technologies., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2005 Spring, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.56-8; discussion W5, (2005)