
Found 246 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Central thalamic contributions to arousal regulation and neurological disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2008, Volume 1129, p.105-18, (2008)
Cortico-cortical networks in patients with ideomotor apraxia as revealed by EEG coherence analysis., Wheaton, Lewis A., Bohlhalter Stephan, Nolte Guido, Shibasaki Hiroshi, Hattori Noriaki, Fridman Esteban, Vorbach Sherry, Grafman Jordan, and Hallett Mark , Neurosci Lett, 2008 Mar 12, Volume 433, Issue 2, p.87-92, (2008)
Diffusion tensor imaging: structural adaptive smoothing., Tabelow, Karsten, Polzehl Jörg, Spokoiny Vladimir, and Voss Henning U. , Neuroimage, 2008 Feb 15, Volume 39, Issue 4, p.1763-73, (2008)
"Humanities are the Hormones:" Osler, Penfield and "Neuroethics" Revisited., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Jan, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.W5-8, (2008)
A leg to stand on: Sir William Osler and Wilder Penfield's "neuroethics"., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Jan, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.37-46, (2008)
Lights, camera, inaction? Neuroimaging and disorders of consciousness., Fins, Joseph J., and Illes Judy , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Sep, Volume 8, Issue 9, p.W1-3, (2008)
Meeting rigorous statistical standards in case reports., Victor, Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2008 Nov, Volume 64, Issue 5, p.592, (2008)
The neural substrate of gesture recognition., Villarreal, Mirta, Fridman Esteban A., Amengual Alejandra, Falasco German, Gerschcovich Eliana Roldan, Gerscovich Eliana Roldan, Ulloa Erlinda R., and Leiguarda Ramon C. , Neuropsychologia, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.2371-82, (2008)
Neuroethics and neuroimaging: moving toward transparency., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Sep, Volume 8, Issue 9, p.46-52, (2008)
Vagus nerve stimulation, sleep apnea, and CPAP titration., Ebben, Matthew R., Sethi Nitin K., Conte Mary, Pollak Charles P., and Labar Douglas , J Clin Sleep Med, 2008 Oct 15, Volume 4, Issue 5, p.471-3, (2008)
Attentional modulation of adaptation in V4., Hudson, Andrew E., Schiff Nicholas D., Victor Jonathan D., and Purpura Keith P. , Eur J Neurosci, 2009 Jul, Volume 30, Issue 1, p.151-71, (2009)
A Bayesian statistical analysis of behavioral facilitation associated with deep brain stimulation., Smith, Anne C., Shah Sudhin A., Hudson Andrew E., Purpura Keith P., Victor Jonathan D., Brown Emery N., and Schiff Nicholas D. , J Neurosci Methods, 2009 Oct 15, Volume 183, Issue 2, p.267-76, (2009)
Being conscious of their burden: severe brain injury and the two cultures challenge., Fins, Joseph J. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.131-47, (2009)
Central thalamic deep-brain stimulation in the severely injured brain: rationale and proposed mechanisms of action., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.101-16, (2009)
Channeling David E. Rogers, MD: the moral imperative for health care reform., Kaufman, Adam S., Fein Oliver, and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Intern Med, 2009 Jul 13, Volume 169, Issue 13, p.1183-4, (2009)
Deep brain stimulation, deontology and duty: the moral obligation of non-abandonment at the neural interface., Fins, Joseph J. , J Neural Eng, 2009 Oct, Volume 6, Issue 5, p.050201, (2009)
Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle., Schiff, Nicholas D., Giacino Joseph T., and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2009 Jun, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.697-702, (2009)
Disorders of consciousness. Preface., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.ix-xi, (2009)
The ethics of measuring and modulating consciousness: the imperative of minding time., Fins, Joseph J. , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 177, p.371-82, (2009)
Fast awakening from minimally conscious state with apomorphine., Fridman, Esteban A., Calvar Jorge, Bonetto Mariana, Gamzu Elkan, Krimchansky Ben Zion, Meli Francisco, Leiguarda Ramon C., and Zafonte Ross , Brain Inj, 2009 Feb, Volume 23, Issue 2, p.172-7, (2009)
Gesture subtype-dependent left lateralization of praxis planning: an event-related fMRI study., Bohlhalter, S, Hattori N, Wheaton L, Fridman E, Shamim E A., Garraux G, and Hallett M , Cereb Cortex, 2009 Jun, Volume 19, Issue 6, p.1256-62, (2009)
Left parietal activation related to planning, executing and suppressing praxis hand movements., Wheaton, Lewis, Fridman Esteban, Bohlhalter Stephan, Vorbach Sherry, and Hallett Mark , Clin Neurophysiol, 2009 May, Volume 120, Issue 5, p.980-6, (2009)
Modulation of arousal regulation with central thalamic deep brain stimulation., Shah, Sudhin A., Baker Jonathan L., Ryou Jae-Wook, Purpura Keith P., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2009, Volume 2009, p.3314-7, (2009)
MRI of neuronal network structure, function, and plasticity., Voss, Henning U., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 175, p.483-96, (2009)
A new era of coma and consciousness science., Owen, Adrian M., Schiff Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 177, p.399-411, (2009)