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Go in Peace: Brain Death, Reasonable Accommodation and Jewish Mourning Rituals., Gabbay, Ezra, and Fins Joseph J. , J Relig Health, 2019 Oct, Volume 58, Issue 5, p.1672-1686, (2019)
Central thalamic deep brain stimulation to promote recovery from chronic posttraumatic minimally conscious state: challenges and opportunities., Giacino, Joseph, Fins Joseph J., Machado Andre, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Neuromodulation, 2012 Jul, Volume 15, Issue 4, p.339-49, (2012)
Comprehensive systematic review update summary: Disorders of consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation, Giacino, Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, Ling Geoffrey S. F., et al. , Neurology, 2018 Sep 04, Volume 91, Issue 10, p.461-470, (2018)
Practice guideline update recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation , Giacino, Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, Ling Geoffrey S. F., et al. , Neurology, 2018 Sep 04, Volume 91, Issue 10, p.450-460, (2018)
Disorders of consciousness after acquired brain injury: the state of the science., Giacino, Joseph T., Fins Joseph J., Laureys Steven, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Nat Rev Neurol, 2014 Feb, Volume 10, Issue 2, p.99-114, (2014)
Comprehensive Systematic Review Update Summary: Disorders of Consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation , Giacino, Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, Ling Geoffrey S. F., et al. , Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2018 Sep, Volume 99, Issue 9, p.1710-1719, (2018)
Reanalysis of "Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study"., Goldfine, Andrew M., Bardin Jonathan C., Noirhomme Quentin, Fins Joseph J., Schiff Nicholas D., and Victor Jonathan D. , Lancet, 2013 Jan 26, Volume 381, Issue 9863, p.289-91, (2013)
Consciousness: its neurobiology and the major classes of impairment., Goldfine, Andrew M., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Neurol Clin, 2011 Nov, Volume 29, Issue 4, p.723-37, (2011)
What is the role of brain mechanisms underlying arousal in recovery of motor function after structural brain injuries?, Goldfine, Andrew M., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2011 Dec, Volume 24, Issue 6, p.564-9, (2011)
Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state., Goldfine, Andrew M., Victor Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., Bardin Jonathan C., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Lancet, 2012 May 5, Volume 379, Issue 9827, p.1701-2; author reply 1702, (2012)
Determination of awareness in patients with severe brain injury using EEG power spectral analysis., Goldfine, Andrew M., Victor Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., Bardin Jonathan C., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Clin Neurophysiol, 2011 Nov, Volume 122, Issue 11, p.2157-68, (2011)
Functional imaging to uncover willful brain behavior in noncommunicative patients., Goldman, Serge, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Neurology, 2015 Jan 13, Volume 84, Issue 2, p.114-5, (2015)
Daytime Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Modulates Sleep Dynamics in the Severely Injured Brain: Mechanistic Insights and a Novel Framework for Alpha-Delta Sleep Generation., Gottshall, Jackie L., Adams Zoe M., Forgacs Peter B., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Front Neurol, 2019, Volume 10, p.20, (2019)
Guiding Principles for a Pediatric Neurology ICU (neuroPICU) Bedside Multimodal Monitor: Findings from an International Working Group., Grinspan, Zachary M., Eldar Yonina C., Gopher Daniel, Gottlieb Amihai, Lammfromm Rotem, Mangat Halinder S., Peleg Nimrod, Pon Steven, Rozenberg Igal, Schiff Nicholas D., et al. , Appl Clin Inform, 2016, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.380-98, (2016)
Thalamic stimulation to improve level of consciousness after seizures: Evaluation of electrophysiology and behavior., Gummadavelli, Abhijeet, Motelow Joshua E., Smith Nicholas, Zhan Qiong, Schiff Nicholas D., and Blumenfeld Hal , Epilepsia, 2014 Dec 2, (2014)