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Continuous subcutaneous apomorphine for severe disorders of consciousness after traumatic brain injury., Fridman, Esteban A., Krimchansky Ben Zion, Bonetto Mariana, Galperin Tatyana, Gamzu Elkan R., Leiguarda Ramon C., and Zafonte Ross , Brain Inj, 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4, p.636-41, (2010)
Dynamic regimes of neocortical activity linked to corticothalamic integrity correlate with outcomes in acute anoxic brain injury after cardiac arrest., Forgacs, Peter B., Frey Hans-Peter, Velazquez Angela, Thompson Stephanie, Brodie Daniel, Moitra Vivek, Rabani Leroy, Park Soojin, Agarwal Sachin, Falo Maria Cristina, et al. , Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 2017 02, Volume 4, Issue 2, p.119-129, (2017)
Independent Functional Outcomes after Prolonged Coma following Cardiac Arrest: A Mechanistic Hypothesis., Forgacs, Peter B., Devinsky Orrin, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2020 04, Volume 87, Issue 4, p.618-632, (2020)
The wavelet transformed EEG: a new method of trial-by-trial evaluation of saccade-related cortical activity., Forgacs, Peter B., Von Gizycki Hans, Harhula Myroslav, Avitable Matt, Selesnick Ivan, and Bodis-Wollner Ivan , Suppl Clin Neurophysiol, 2006, Volume 59, p.183-9, (2006)
A proposed role for routine EEGs in patients with consciousness disorders., Forgacs, Peter B., Conte Mary M., Fridman Esteban A., Voss Henning U., Victor Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2014 Nov 15, (2014)
Focal cortical dysplasia IIb presenting as slowly progressive aphasia mimicking a brain tumor., Forgacs, Peter B., Sarkis Rani, Folkerth Rebecca, Golby Alexandra, Hsu Liangge, Bubrick Ellen J., and Dworetzky Barbara A. , Seizure, 2013 Oct 1, (2013)
Preservation of electroencephalographic organization in patients with impaired consciousness and imaging-based evidence of command-following., Forgacs, Peter B., Conte Mary M., Fridman Esteban A., Voss Henning U., Victor Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2014 Dec, Volume 76, Issue 6, p.869-79, (2014)
Isolation Syndrome after Cardiac Arrest and Therapeutic Hypothermia., Forgacs, Peter B., Fridman Esteban A., Goldfine Andrew M., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Front Neurosci, 2016, Volume 10, p.259, (2016)
Deep Brain Stimulation, Free Markets and the Scientific Commons: Is It time to Revisit the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980?, Fins, Joseph J. , Neuromodulation, 2010 Jul, Volume 13, Issue 3, p.153-9, (2010)
Giving Voice to Consciousness., Fins, Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2016 Oct, Volume 25, Issue 4, p.583-99, (2016)
Contracts, covenants and advance care planning: an empirical study of the moral obligations of patient and proxy., Fins, Joseph J., Maltby Barbara S., Friedmann Erika, Greene Michele G., Norris Kaye, Adelman Ronald, and Byock Ira , J Pain Symptom Manage, 2005 Jan, Volume 29, Issue 1, p.55-68, (2005)
Pragmatic Convergence and the Epistemology of an Adolescent Neuroethics., Fins, Joseph J., and Illes Judy , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2018 10, Volume 27, Issue 4, p.554-557, (2018)
Clinical pragmatism: bridging theory and practice., Fins, Joseph J., Miller Franklin G., and Bacchetta Matthew D. , Kennedy Inst Ethics J, 1998 Mar, Volume 8, Issue 1, p.37-42, (1998)
Wait, wait . . . Don't tell me: tuning in the injured brain., Fins, Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 69, Issue 2, p.158-60, (2012)
Shades of gray: new insights into the vegetative state., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2006 Nov-Dec, Volume 36, Issue 6, p.8, (2006)
The minimally conscious state: a diagnosis in search of an epidemiology., Fins, Joseph J., Master Maria G., Gerber Linda M., and Giacino Joseph T. , Arch Neurol, 2007 Oct, Volume 64, Issue 10, p.1400-5, (2007)
The afterlife of Terri Schiavo., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2005 Jul-Aug, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.8, (2005)
Mosaic Decisionmaking and Reemergent Agency after Severe Brain Injury., Fins, Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2018 Jan, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.163-174, (2018)
Conflicts of interest in deep brain stimulation research and the ethics of transparency., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , J Clin Ethics, 2010 Summer, Volume 21, Issue 2, p.125-32, (2010)
Constructing an ethical stereotaxy for severe brain injury: balancing risks, benefits and access., Fins, Joseph J. , Nat Rev Neurosci, 2003 Apr, Volume 4, Issue 4, p.323-7, (2003)
Disorders of Consciousness, Past, Present, and Future., Fins, Joseph J. , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2019 10, Volume 28, Issue 4, p.603-615, (2019)
Neuroethics, neuroimaging, and disorders of consciousness: promise or peril?, Fins, Joseph J. , Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc, 2011, Volume 122, p.336-46, (2011)
Lights, camera, inaction? Neuroimaging and disorders of consciousness., Fins, Joseph J., and Illes Judy , Am J Bioeth, 2008 Sep, Volume 8, Issue 9, p.W1-3, (2008)
Nanotechnology, neuromodulation & the immune response: discourse, materiality & ethics., Fins, Joseph J. , Biomed Microdevices, 2015 Apr, Volume 17, Issue 2, p.28, (2015)
Brain Injury and the Culture of Neglect: Musings on an Uncertain Future., Fins, J J., and Suppes A. , Social Research, Volume 78, p.731-746, (2011)