
Found 246 results
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General anesthesia, sleep, and coma., Brown, Emery N., Lydic Ralph, and Schiff Nicholas D. , N Engl J Med, 2010 Dec 30, Volume 363, Issue 27, p.2638-50, (2010)
Cortical Response to the Natural Speech Envelope Correlates with Neuroimaging Evidence of Cognition in Severe Brain Injury., Braiman, Chananel, Fridman Esteban A., Conte Mary M., Voss Henning U., Reichenbach Chagit S., Reichenbach Tobias, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Biol, 2018 Dec 03, Volume 28, Issue 23, p.3833-3839.e3, (2018)
Comparing spectra and coherences for groups of unequal size., Bokil, Hemant, Purpura Keith, Schoffelen Jan-Mathijs, Thomson David, and Mitra Partha , J Neurosci Methods, 2007 Jan 30, Volume 159, Issue 2, p.337-45, (2007)
Gesture subtype-dependent left lateralization of praxis planning: an event-related fMRI study., Bohlhalter, S, Hattori N, Wheaton L, Fridman E, Shamim E A., Garraux G, and Hallett M , Cereb Cortex, 2009 Jun, Volume 19, Issue 6, p.1256-62, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
Cognitive Motor Dissociation in Disorders of Consciousness., Bodien, Yelena G., Allanson Judith, Cardone Paolo, Bonhomme Arthur, Carmona Jerina, Chatelle Camille, Chennu Srivas, Conte Mary, Dehaene Stanislas, Finoia Paola, et al. , N Engl J Med, 2024 Aug 15, Volume 391, Issue 7, p.598-608, (2024)
A major miss in prognostication after cardiac arrest: Burst suppression and brain healing., Becker, Danielle A., Schiff Nicholas D., Becker Lance B., Holmes Manisha G., Fins Joseph J., Horowitz James M., and Devinsky Orrin , Epilepsy Behav Case Rep, 2017, Volume 7, p.1-5, (2017)
Pattern classification of volitional functional magnetic resonance imaging responses in patients with severe brain injury., Bardin, Jonathan C., Schiff Nicholas D., and Voss Henning U. , Arch Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 69, Issue 2, p.176-81, (2012)
Dissociations between behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging-based evaluations of cognitive function after brain injury., Bardin, Jonathan C., Fins Joseph J., Katz Douglas I., Hersh Jennifer, Heier Linda A., Tabelow Karsten, Dyke Jonathan P., Ballon Douglas J., Schiff Nicholas D., and Voss Henning U. , Brain, 2011 Mar, Volume 134, Issue Pt 3, p.769-82, (2011)
Robust modulation of arousal regulation, performance, and frontostriatal activity through central thalamic deep brain stimulation in healthy nonhuman primates., Baker, Jonathan L., Ryou Jae-Wook, Wei Xuefeng F., Butson Christopher R., Schiff Nicholas D., and Purpura Keith P. , J Neurophysiol, 2016 11 01, Volume 116, Issue 5, p.2383-2404, (2016)
Author response: Practice guideline update recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the AAN; ACRM; and NIDILRR, Armstrong, Melissa J., Giacino Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, et al. , Neurology, 2019 06 11, Volume 92, Issue 24, p.1164, (2019)
Wait a minute: Confidence and inaccuracy in thin-slice judgments., Ames, D.R., Kammrath L.K., Suppes A., and Bolger N. , Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Volume 36, p.264-277, (2010)
Detection of Helicobacter pylori in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques., Ameriso, S F., Fridman E A., Leiguarda R C., and Sevlever G E. , Stroke, 2001 Feb, Volume 32, Issue 2, p.385-91, (2001)
Late and progressive alterations of sleep dynamics following central thalamic deep brain stimulation (CT-DBS) in chronic minimally conscious state., Adams, Zoe M., Forgacs Peter B., Conte Mary M., Nauvel Tanya J., Drover Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Clin Neurophysiol, 2016 Sep, Volume 127, Issue 9, p.3086-92, (2016)
The historical origins of the vegetative state: Received wisdom and the utility of the text, Adams, Zoe, and Fins Joseph J. , Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives, 06/2016, (2016)
Penfield's ceiling: Seeing brain injury through Galen's eyes., Adams, Zoe M., and Fins Joseph J. , Neurology, 2017 Aug 22, Volume 89, Issue 8, p.854-858, (2017)