
Found 246 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Synchronization of parietal and premotor areas during preparation and execution of praxis hand movements., Wheaton, Lewis A., Nolte Guido, Bohlhalter Stephan, Fridman Esteban, and Hallett Mark , Clin Neurophysiol, 2005 Jun, Volume 116, Issue 6, p.1382-90, (2005)
Temporal patterning of pulses during deep brain stimulation affects central nervous system arousal., Quinkert, Amy Wells, Schiff Nicholas D., and Pfaff Donald W. , Behav Brain Res, 2010 Dec 25, Volume 214, Issue 2, p.377-85, (2010)
The thalamic intralaminar nuclei: A role in visual awareness., Purpura, K P., and Schiff N.D. , The Neuroscientist, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.8-15, (1997)
Thalamic stimulation to improve level of consciousness after seizures: Evaluation of electrophysiology and behavior., Gummadavelli, Abhijeet, Motelow Joshua E., Smith Nicholas, Zhan Qiong, Schiff Nicholas D., and Blumenfeld Hal , Epilepsia, 2014 Dec 2, (2014)
Therapeutic interventions in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness., Thibaut, Aurore, Schiff Nicholas, Giacino Joseph, Laureys Steven, and Gosseries Olivia , Lancet Neurol, 2019 06, Volume 18, Issue 6, p.600-614, (2019)
Towards a Clinical Neuroethics for Brain Injury Practice: An Introduction to a New Special Feature for Ethics in JHTR., Fins, Joseph J. , J Head Trauma Rehabil, 2018 Jul/Aug, Volume 33, Issue 4, p.283-284, (2018)
Towards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation., Schiff, N.D., and Purpura K P. , Thalamus and Related Systems, 31 July 2002, Volume 2, p.55-69, (2002)
Treating depression in patients with dementia: a guide to drug choice., Fridman, E A., and Starkstein S.E. , CNS Drugs, 14 Sept 2012, Volume 14, p.191-201, (2000)
Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments., Sanz, Leandro R. D., Lejeune Nicolas, Blandiaux Séverine, Bonin Estelle, Thibaut Aurore, Stender Johan, Farber Neal M., Zafonte Ross D., Schiff Nicholas D., Laureys Steven, et al. , Front Neurol, 2019, Volume 10, p.248, (2019)
Uncovering hidden integrative cerebral function in the intensive care unit., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Brain, 2017 Sep 01, Volume 140, Issue 9, p.2259-2262, (2017)
Vagus nerve stimulation, sleep apnea, and CPAP titration., Ebben, Matthew R., Sethi Nitin K., Conte Mary, Pollak Charles P., and Labar Douglas , J Clin Sleep Med, 2008 Oct 15, Volume 4, Issue 5, p.471-3, (2008)
VEP indices of cortical lateral interactions in epilepsy treatment., Conte, Mary M., and Victor Jonathan D. , Vision Res, 2009 May, Volume 49, Issue 9, p.898-906, (2009)
VEPs elicited by local correlations and global symmetry: characteristics and interactions., Oka, Sadanori, Victor Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., and Yanagida Toshio , Vision Res, 2007 Jul, Volume 47, Issue 16, p.2212-22, (2007)
Wait a minute: Confidence and inaccuracy in thin-slice judgments., Ames, D.R., Kammrath L.K., Suppes A., and Bolger N. , Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Volume 36, p.264-277, (2010)
Wait, wait . . . Don't tell me: tuning in the injured brain., Fins, Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 69, Issue 2, p.158-60, (2012)
The wavelet transformed EEG: a new method of trial-by-trial evaluation of saccade-related cortical activity., Forgacs, Peter B., Von Gizycki Hans, Harhula Myroslav, Avitable Matt, Selesnick Ivan, and Bodis-Wollner Ivan , Suppl Clin Neurophysiol, 2006, Volume 59, p.183-9, (2006)
What is the role of brain mechanisms underlying arousal in recovery of motor function after structural brain injuries?, Goldfine, Andrew M., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2011 Dec, Volume 24, Issue 6, p.564-9, (2011)
What's not being shared in shared decision-making?, Stark, Meredith, and Fins Joseph J. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2013 Jul-Aug, Volume 43, Issue 4, p.13-6, (2013)
When No One Notices: Disorders of Consciousness and the Chronic Vegetative State., Fins, Joseph J. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2019 07, Volume 49, Issue 4, p.14-17, (2019)
Whither the "Improvement Standard"? Coverage for Severe Brain Injury after Jimmo v. Sebelius., Fins, Joseph J., Wright Megan S., Kraft Claudia, Rogers Alix, Romani Marina B., Godwin Samantha, and Ulrich Michael R. , J Law Med Ethics, 2016 Mar, Volume 44, Issue 1, p.182-93, (2016)
Words without mind., Schiff, N, Ribary U, Plum F, and Llinás R , J Cogn Neurosci, 1999 Nov, Volume 11, Issue 6, p.650-6, (1999)