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Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle., Schiff, Nicholas D., Giacino Joseph T., and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2009 Jun, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.697-702, (2009)
Disorders of consciousness. Preface., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.ix-xi, (2009)
Gesture subtype-dependent left lateralization of praxis planning: an event-related fMRI study., Bohlhalter, S, Hattori N, Wheaton L, Fridman E, Shamim E A., Garraux G, and Hallett M , Cereb Cortex, 2009 Jun, Volume 19, Issue 6, p.1256-62, (2009)
Modulation of arousal regulation with central thalamic deep brain stimulation., Shah, Sudhin A., Baker Jonathan L., Ryou Jae-Wook, Purpura Keith P., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2009, Volume 2009, p.3314-7, (2009)
Modulation of arousal regulation with central thalamic deep brain stimulation., Shah, Sudhin A., Baker Jonathan L., Ryou Jae-Wook, Purpura Keith P., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2009, Volume 2009, p.3314-7, (2009)
MRI of neuronal network structure, function, and plasticity., Voss, Henning U., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 175, p.483-96, (2009)
A new era of coma and consciousness science., Owen, Adrian M., Schiff Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 177, p.399-411, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
Subpopulations of neurons in visual area v2 perform differentiation and integration operations in space and time., Schmid, Anita M., Purpura Keith P., Ohiorhenuan Ifije E., Mechler Ferenc, and Victor Jonathan D. , Front Syst Neurosci, 2009, Volume 3, p.15, (2009)
A case of locked-in syndrome complicated by central deafness., Smart, Colette M., Giacino Joseph T., Cullen Tara, Moreno Diana Rodriguez, Hirsch Joy, Schiff Nicholas D., and Gizzi Martin , Nat Clin Pract Neurol, 2008 Aug, Volume 4, Issue 8, p.448-53, (2008)
A case of locked-in syndrome complicated by central deafness., Smart, Colette M., Giacino Joseph T., Cullen Tara, Moreno Diana Rodriguez, Hirsch Joy, Schiff Nicholas D., and Gizzi Martin , Nat Clin Pract Neurol, 2008 Aug, Volume 4, Issue 8, p.448-53, (2008)
Central thalamic contributions to arousal regulation and neurological disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2008, Volume 1129, p.105-18, (2008)
Cortico-cortical networks in patients with ideomotor apraxia as revealed by EEG coherence analysis., Wheaton, Lewis A., Bohlhalter Stephan, Nolte Guido, Shibasaki Hiroshi, Hattori Noriaki, Fridman Esteban, Vorbach Sherry, Grafman Jordan, and Hallett Mark , Neurosci Lett, 2008 Mar 12, Volume 433, Issue 2, p.87-92, (2008)
Diffusion tensor imaging: structural adaptive smoothing., Tabelow, Karsten, Polzehl Jörg, Spokoiny Vladimir, and Voss Henning U. , Neuroimage, 2008 Feb 15, Volume 39, Issue 4, p.1763-73, (2008)
Meeting rigorous statistical standards in case reports., Victor, Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2008 Nov, Volume 64, Issue 5, p.592, (2008)
Vagus nerve stimulation, sleep apnea, and CPAP titration., Ebben, Matthew R., Sethi Nitin K., Conte Mary, Pollak Charles P., and Labar Douglas , J Clin Sleep Med, 2008 Oct 15, Volume 4, Issue 5, p.471-3, (2008)
Another "Awakenings"., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Posner Jerome B. , Ann Neurol, 2007 Jul, Volume 62, Issue 1, p.5-7, (2007)
Behavioural improvements with thalamic stimulation after severe traumatic brain injury., Schiff, N D., Giacino J T., Kalmar K, Victor J D., Baker K, Gerber M, Fritz B, Eisenberg B, Biondi T, O'Connor J, et al. , Nature, 2007 Aug 2, Volume 448, Issue 7153, p.600-3, (2007)
Bringing neuroimaging tools closer to diagnostic use in the severely injured brain., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Brain, 2007 Oct, Volume 130, Issue Pt 10, p.2482-3, (2007)