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Presynaptic dopamine deficit in minimally conscious state patients following traumatic brain injury.,
, Brain, 2019 07 01, Volume 142, Issue 7, p.1887-1893, (2019)
Cortical Response to the Natural Speech Envelope Correlates with Neuroimaging Evidence of Cognition in Severe Brain Injury.,
, Curr Biol, 2018 Dec 03, Volume 28, Issue 23, p.3833-3839.e3, (2018)
Isolation Syndrome after Cardiac Arrest and Therapeutic Hypothermia.,
, Front Neurosci, 2016, Volume 10, p.259, (2016)
Local changes in network structure contribute to late communication recovery after severe brain injury.,
, Sci Transl Med, 2016 Dec 07, Volume 8, Issue 368, p.368re5, (2016)
Preservation of electroencephalographic organization in patients with impaired consciousness and imaging-based evidence of command-following.,
, Ann Neurol, 2014 Dec, Volume 76, Issue 6, p.869-79, (2014)
A proposed role for routine EEGs in patients with consciousness disorders.,
, Ann Neurol, 2014 Nov 15, (2014)
Regional cerebral metabolic patterns demonstrate the role of anterior forebrain mesocircuit dysfunction in the severely injured brain.,
, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014 Apr 14, (2014)
The effect of the visual context in the recognition of symbolic gestures.,
, PLoS One, 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.e29644, (2012)
Continuous subcutaneous apomorphine for severe disorders of consciousness after traumatic brain injury.,
, Brain Inj, 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4, p.636-41, (2010)
Kinematic improvement following Botulinum Toxin-A injection in upper-limb spasticity due to stroke.,
, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010 Apr, Volume 81, Issue 4, p.423-7, (2010)
Fast awakening from minimally conscious state with apomorphine.,
, Brain Inj, 2009 Feb, Volume 23, Issue 2, p.172-7, (2009)
The neural substrate of gesture recognition.,
, Neuropsychologia, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.2371-82, (2008)
The role of the dorsal stream for gesture production.,
, Neuroimage, 2006 Jan 15, Volume 29, Issue 2, p.417-28, (2006)
Reorganization of the human ipsilesional premotor cortex after stroke.,
, Brain, 2004 Apr, Volume 127, Issue Pt 4, p.747-58, (2004)