
Found 246 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Neurophysiological correlates of persistent vegetative and minimally conscious states., Kobylarz, Erik J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Neuropsychol Rehabil, 2005 Jul-Sep, Volume 15, Issue 3-4, p.323-32, (2005)
[Neuroprotection in acute ischemic stroke. Practicability of guidelines for treatment]., Fridman, E A., Ottaviano F, Fiol M, Javelier A, Perea J E., and Ameriso S F. , Rev Neurol, 2001 May 1-15, Volume 32, Issue 9, p.818-21, (2001)
A new era of coma and consciousness science., Owen, Adrian M., Schiff Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 177, p.399-411, (2009)
Nonlinear autoregressive analysis of the 3/second ictal EEG: implications for underlying dynamics., Schiff, N.D., Victor J D., and Canel Annemarie , Biological Cybernetics, Volume 72, p.527-532, (1995)
Once and Future Clinical Neuroethics: A History of What Was and What Might Be., Fins, Joseph J. , J Clin Ethics, Spring 2019, Volume 30, Issue 1, p.27-34, (0)
Opportunities and challenges for a maturing science of consciousness., Michel, Matthias, Beck Diane, Block Ned, Blumenfeld Hal, Brown Richard, Carmel David, Carrasco Marisa, Chirimuuta Mazviita, Chun Marvin, Cleeremans Axel, et al. , Nat Hum Behav, 2019 02, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.104-107, (2019)
The Orwellian threat to emerging neurodiagnostic technologies., Fins, Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2005 Spring, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.56-8; discussion W5, (2005)
Pattern classification of volitional functional magnetic resonance imaging responses in patients with severe brain injury., Bardin, Jonathan C., Schiff Nicholas D., and Voss Henning U. , Arch Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 69, Issue 2, p.176-81, (2012)
Penfield's ceiling: Seeing brain injury through Galen's eyes., Adams, Zoe M., and Fins Joseph J. , Neurology, 2017 Aug 22, Volume 89, Issue 8, p.854-858, (2017)
The portrayal of coma in contemporary motion pictures., Fins, Joseph J. , Neurology, 2007 Jan 2, Volume 68, Issue 1, p.79; author reply 80, (2007)
Possible axonal regrowth in late recovery from the minimally conscious state., Voss, Henning U., Uluç Aziz M., Dyke Jonathan P., Watts Richard, Kobylarz Erik J., McCandliss Bruce D., Heier Linda A., Beattie Bradley J., Hamacher Klaus A., Vallabhajosula Shankar, et al. , J Clin Invest, 2006 Jul, Volume 116, Issue 7, p.2005-11, (2006)
Posterior medial corticothalamic connectivity and consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2012 Sep, Volume 72, Issue 3, p.305-6, (2012)
Post-Stroke Apathy and Hypersomnia Lead to Worse Outcomes from Acute Rehabilitation., Harris, Ari L., Elder Jessica, Schiff Nicholas D., Victor Jonathan D., and Goldfine Andrew M. , Transl Stroke Res, 2013 Oct 19, (2013)
Power spectra and coherence in the EEG of a vegetative patient with severe asymmetric brain damage., Davey, M P., Victor J D., and Schiff N D. , Clin Neurophysiol, 2000 Nov, Volume 111, Issue 11, p.1949-54, (2000)
Practice guideline update recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation , Giacino, Joseph T., Katz Douglas I., Schiff Nicholas D., Whyte John, Ashman Eric J., Ashwal Stephen, Barbano Richard, Hammond Flora M., Laureys Steven, Ling Geoffrey S. F., et al. , Neurology, 2018 Sep 04, Volume 91, Issue 10, p.450-460, (2018)
Pragmatic Convergence and the Epistemology of an Adolescent Neuroethics., Fins, Joseph J., and Illes Judy , Camb Q Healthc Ethics, 2018 10, Volume 27, Issue 4, p.554-557, (2018)
Predominant downgaze ophthalmoparesis in anti-Hu encephalomyelitis., Schiff, N D., Moore D F., and Winterkorn J M. , J Neuroophthalmol, 1996 Dec, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.302-3, (1996)
Preservation of electroencephalographic organization in patients with impaired consciousness and imaging-based evidence of command-following., Forgacs, Peter B., Conte Mary M., Fridman Esteban A., Voss Henning U., Victor Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2014 Dec, Volume 76, Issue 6, p.869-79, (2014)
Presynaptic dopamine deficit in minimally conscious state patients following traumatic brain injury., Fridman, Esteban A., Osborne Joseph R., Mozley Paul D., Victor Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Brain, 2019 07 01, Volume 142, Issue 7, p.1887-1893, (2019)
A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale., Bohland, Jason W., Wu Caizhi, Barbas Helen, Bokil Hemant, Bota Mihail, Breiter Hans C., Cline Hollis T., Doyle John C., Freed Peter J., Greenspan Ralph J., et al. , PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 Mar, Volume 5, Issue 3, p.e1000334, (2009)
A proposed role for routine EEGs in patients with consciousness disorders., Forgacs, Peter B., Conte Mary M., Fridman Esteban A., Voss Henning U., Victor Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2014 Nov 15, (2014)
Protecting and repairing the brain: central and peripheral strategies define the New Rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury., Ratan, Rajiv R., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2018 Dec, Volume 31, Issue 6, p.669-671, (2018)
Quantitative descriptions of generalized arousal, an elementary function of the vertebrate brain., Quinkert, Amy Wells, Vimal Vivek, Weil Zachary M., Reeke George N., Schiff Nicholas D., Banavar Jayanth R., and Pfaff Donald W. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011 Sep 13, Volume 108 Suppl 3, p.15617-23, (2011)
Reanalysis of "Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study"., Goldfine, Andrew M., Bardin Jonathan C., Noirhomme Quentin, Fins Joseph J., Schiff Nicholas D., and Victor Jonathan D. , Lancet, 2013 Jan 26, Volume 381, Issue 9863, p.289-91, (2013)
Reconciling bioethics with health care strategies born of behavioral economics and psychology., Stark, Meredith , Am J Bioeth, 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.28-30, (2012)