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Local image statistics: maximum-entropy constructions and perceptual salience., Victor, Jonathan D., and Conte Mary M. , J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 2012 Jul 1, Volume 29, Issue 7, p.1313-45, (2012)
Meeting rigorous statistical standards in case reports., Victor, Jonathan D., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2008 Nov, Volume 64, Issue 5, p.592, (2008)
Local processes and spatial pooling in texture and symmetry detection., Victor, Jonathan D., and Conte Mary M. , Vision Res, 2005 Apr, Volume 45, Issue 8, p.1063-73, (2005)
Dynamic shifts of the contrast-response function., Victor, J D., Conte M M., and Purpura K P. , Vis Neurosci, 1997 May-Jun, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.577-87, (1997)
Mean-field modeling of thalamocortical dynamics and a model-driven approach to EEG analysis., Victor, Jonathan D., Drover Jonathan D., Conte Mary M., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011 Sep 13, Volume 108 Suppl 3, p.15631-8, (2011)
Investigation of a patient with severely impaired direction discrimination: evidence against the intersection-of-constraints model., Victor, J D., and Conte M M. , Vision Res, 1994 Jan, Volume 34, Issue 2, p.267-77, (1994)
The neural substrate of gesture recognition., Villarreal, Mirta, Fridman Esteban A., Amengual Alejandra, Falasco German, Gerschcovich Eliana Roldan, Gerscovich Eliana Roldan, Ulloa Erlinda R., and Leiguarda Ramon C. , Neuropsychologia, 2008, Volume 46, Issue 9, p.2371-82, (2008)
The effect of the visual context in the recognition of symbolic gestures., Villarreal, Mirta F., Fridman Esteban A., and Leiguarda Ramon C. , PLoS One, 2012, Volume 7, Issue 2, p.e29644, (2012)
Multimodal imaging of recovery of functional networks associated with reversal of paradoxical herniation after cranioplasty., Voss, Henning U., Heier Linda A., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Clin Imaging, 2011 Jul-Aug, Volume 35, Issue 4, p.253-8, (2011)
Functional MRI of the zebra finch brain during song stimulation suggests a lateralized response topography., Voss, Henning U., Tabelow Karsten, Polzehl Jörg, Tchernichovski Ofer, Maul Kristen K., Salgado-Commissariat Delanthi, Ballon Douglas, and Helekar Santosh A. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007 Jun 19, Volume 104, Issue 25, p.10667-72, (2007)
Magnetic resonance advection imaging of cerebrovascular pulse dynamics., Voss, Henning U., Dyke Jonathan P., Tabelow Karsten, Schiff Nicholas D., and Ballon Douglas J. , J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2017 Apr, Volume 37, Issue 4, p.1223-1235, (2017)
Possible axonal regrowth in late recovery from the minimally conscious state., Voss, Henning U., Uluç Aziz M., Dyke Jonathan P., Watts Richard, Kobylarz Erik J., McCandliss Bruce D., Heier Linda A., Beattie Bradley J., Hamacher Klaus A., Vallabhajosula Shankar, et al. , J Clin Invest, 2006 Jul, Volume 116, Issue 7, p.2005-11, (2006)
MRI of neuronal network structure, function, and plasticity., Voss, Henning U., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2009, Volume 175, p.483-96, (2009)
Cortico-cortical networks in patients with ideomotor apraxia as revealed by EEG coherence analysis., Wheaton, Lewis A., Bohlhalter Stephan, Nolte Guido, Shibasaki Hiroshi, Hattori Noriaki, Fridman Esteban, Vorbach Sherry, Grafman Jordan, and Hallett Mark , Neurosci Lett, 2008 Mar 12, Volume 433, Issue 2, p.87-92, (2008)
Left parietal activation related to planning, executing and suppressing praxis hand movements., Wheaton, Lewis, Fridman Esteban, Bohlhalter Stephan, Vorbach Sherry, and Hallett Mark , Clin Neurophysiol, 2009 May, Volume 120, Issue 5, p.980-6, (2009)
Synchronization of parietal and premotor areas during preparation and execution of praxis hand movements., Wheaton, Lewis A., Nolte Guido, Bohlhalter Stephan, Fridman Esteban, and Hallett Mark , Clin Neurophysiol, 2005 Jun, Volume 116, Issue 6, p.1382-90, (2005)
Common resting brain dynamics indicate a possible mechanism underlying zolpidem response in severe brain injury., Williams, Shawniqua T., Conte Mary M., Goldfine Andrew M., Noirhomme Quentin, Gosseries Olivia, Thonnard Marie, Beattie Bradley, Hersh Jennifer, Katz Douglas I., Victor Jonathan D., et al. , Elife, 2013, Volume 2, p.e01157, (2013)
Rehabilitation, Education, and the Integration of Individuals with Severe Brain Injury into Civil Society: Towards an Expanded Rights Agenda in Response to New Insights from Translational Neuroethics and Neuroscience., Wright, Megan S., and Fins Joseph J. , Yale J Health Policy Law Ethics, Summer 2016, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.233-87, (0)
Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness., Wright, Megan S., Ulrich Michael R., and Fins Joseph J. , Kennedy Inst Ethics J, 2017, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.43-70, (2017)