
Found 246 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
The steady-state response of the cerebral cortex to the beat of music reflects both the comprehension of music and attention., Meltzer, Benjamin, Reichenbach Chagit S., Braiman Chananel, Schiff Nicholas D., Hudspeth A J., and Reichenbach Tobias , Front Hum Neurosci, 2015, Volume 9, p.436, (2015)
Spectral Content of Electroencephalographic Burst-Suppression Patterns May Reflect Neuronal Recovery in Comatose Post-cardiac Arrest Patients., Sekar, Krithiga, Schiff Nicholas D., Labar Douglas, and Forgacs Peter B. , J Clin Neurophysiol, 2018 Nov 12, (2018)
Small de novo duplication in the repeat region of the TATA-box-binding protein gene manifest with a phenotype similar to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease., Shatunov, A, Fridman E A., Pagan F I., Leib J, Singleton A, Hallett M, and Goldfarb L G. , Clin Genet, 2004 Dec, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.496-501, (2004)
Shades of gray: new insights into the vegetative state., Fins, Joseph J., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2006 Nov-Dec, Volume 36, Issue 6, p.8, (2006)
Severe brain injury and organ solicitation: a call for temperance., Fins, Joseph J. , Virtual Mentor, 2012 Mar, Volume 14, Issue 3, p.221-6, (2012)
The self, social media, and social construction., Stark, Meredith, and Fins Joseph J. , Am J Bioeth, 2012, Volume 12, Issue 10, p.38-9, (2012)
Saul Bellow's Coma: What Neuroscience Can Learn From the Humanities., Fins, Joseph J. , J Head Trauma Rehabil, 2020 Mar/Apr, Volume 35, Issue 2, p.160-162, (2020)
The role of the dorsal stream for gesture production., Fridman, Esteban A., Immisch Ilka, Hanakawa Takashi, Bohlhalter Stephan, Waldvogel Daniel, Kansaku Kenji, Wheaton Lewis, Wu Tao, and Hallett Mark , Neuroimage, 2006 Jan 15, Volume 29, Issue 2, p.417-28, (2006)
The role of arousal and "gating" systems in the neurology of impaired consciousness., Schiff, N D., and Plum F , J Clin Neurophysiol, 2000 Sep, Volume 17, Issue 5, p.438-52, (2000)
Robust modulation of arousal regulation, performance, and frontostriatal activity through central thalamic deep brain stimulation in healthy nonhuman primates., Baker, Jonathan L., Ryou Jae-Wook, Wei Xuefeng F., Butson Christopher R., Schiff Nicholas D., and Purpura Keith P. , J Neurophysiol, 2016 11 01, Volume 116, Issue 5, p.2383-2404, (2016)
Rights language and disorders of consciousness: a call for advocacy., Fins, Joseph J., and Wright Megan S. , Brain Inj, 2018, Volume 32, Issue 5, p.670-674, (2018)
Rethinking disorders of consciousness: new research and its implications., Fins, Joseph J. , Hastings Cent Rep, 2005 Mar-Apr, Volume 35, Issue 2, p.22-4, (2005)
Resting-state connectivity biomarkers define neurophysiological subtypes of depression., Drysdale, Andrew T., Grosenick Logan, Downar Jonathan, Dunlop Katharine, Mansouri Farrokh, Meng Yue, Fetcho Robert N., Zebley Benjamin, Oathes Desmond J., Etkin Amit, et al. , Nat Med, 2017 Jan, Volume 23, Issue 1, p.28-38, (2017)
Resolving the role of the paramedian thalamus in forebrain arousal mechanisms., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2018 Dec, Volume 84, Issue 6, p.812-813, (2018)
Residual cerebral activity and behavioural fragments can remain in the persistently vegetative brain., Schiff, Nicholas D., Ribary Urs, Moreno Diana Rodriguez, Beattie Bradley, Kronberg Eugene, Blasberg Ronald, Giacino Joseph, McCagg Caroline, Fins Joseph J., Llinás Rodolfo, et al. , Brain, 2002 Jun, Volume 125, Issue Pt 6, p.1210-34, (2002)
Reorganization of the human ipsilesional premotor cortex after stroke., Fridman, Esteban A., Hanakawa Takashi, Chung Melissa, Hummel Friedhelm, Leiguarda Ramon C., and Cohen Leonardo G. , Brain, 2004 Apr, Volume 127, Issue Pt 4, p.747-58, (2004)
Rehabilitation, Education, and the Integration of Individuals with Severe Brain Injury into Civil Society: Towards an Expanded Rights Agenda in Response to New Insights from Translational Neuroethics and Neuroscience., Wright, Megan S., and Fins Joseph J. , Yale J Health Policy Law Ethics, Summer 2016, Volume 16, Issue 2, p.233-87, (0)
Regional cerebral metabolic patterns demonstrate the role of anterior forebrain mesocircuit dysfunction in the severely injured brain., Fridman, Esteban A., Beattie Bradley J., Broft Allegra, Laureys Steven, and Schiff Nicholas D. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014 Apr 14, (2014)
Recovery of consciousness after severe brain injury: the role of arousal regulation mechanisms and some speculation on the heart-brain interface., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Cleve Clin J Med, 2010 Jul, Volume 77 Suppl 3, p.S27-33, (2010)
Recovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Trends Neurosci, 2010 Jan, Volume 33, Issue 1, p.1-9, (2010)
Recovery in cognitive motor dissociation after severe brain injury: A cohort study., Jöhr, Jane, Halimi Floriana, Pasquier Jérôme, Pincherle Alessandro, Schiff Nicholas, and Diserens Karin , PLoS One, 2020, Volume 15, Issue 2, p.e0228474, (2020)
Reconciling bioethics with health care strategies born of behavioral economics and psychology., Stark, Meredith , Am J Bioeth, 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2, p.28-30, (2012)
Reanalysis of "Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study"., Goldfine, Andrew M., Bardin Jonathan C., Noirhomme Quentin, Fins Joseph J., Schiff Nicholas D., and Victor Jonathan D. , Lancet, 2013 Jan 26, Volume 381, Issue 9863, p.289-91, (2013)
Quantitative descriptions of generalized arousal, an elementary function of the vertebrate brain., Quinkert, Amy Wells, Vimal Vivek, Weil Zachary M., Reeke George N., Schiff Nicholas D., Banavar Jayanth R., and Pfaff Donald W. , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011 Sep 13, Volume 108 Suppl 3, p.15617-23, (2011)
Protecting and repairing the brain: central and peripheral strategies define the New Rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury., Ratan, Rajiv R., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2018 Dec, Volume 31, Issue 6, p.669-671, (2018)