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Does vestibular stimulation activate thalamocortical mechanisms that reintegrate impaired cortical regions?, Schiff, N D., and Pulver M , Proc Biol Sci, 1999 Feb 22, Volume 266, Issue 1417, p.421-3, (1999)
Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle., Schiff, Nicholas D., Giacino Joseph T., and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2009 Jun, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.697-702, (2009)
Posterior medial corticothalamic connectivity and consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2012 Sep, Volume 72, Issue 3, p.305-6, (2012)
Towards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation., Schiff, N.D., and Purpura K P. , Thalamus and Related Systems, 31 July 2002, Volume 2, p.55-69, (2002)
Uncovering hidden integrative cerebral function in the intensive care unit., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Brain, 2017 Sep 01, Volume 140, Issue 9, p.2259-2262, (2017)
Modeling the minimally conscious state: measurements of brain function and therapeutic possibilities., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2005, Volume 150, p.473-93, (2005)
The role of arousal and "gating" systems in the neurology of impaired consciousness., Schiff, N D., and Plum F , J Clin Neurophysiol, 2000 Sep, Volume 17, Issue 5, p.438-52, (2000)
Recovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Trends Neurosci, 2010 Jan, Volume 33, Issue 1, p.1-9, (2010)
Nonlinear autoregressive analysis of the 3/second ictal EEG: implications for underlying dynamics., Schiff, N.D., Victor J D., and Canel Annemarie , Biological Cybernetics, Volume 72, p.527-532, (1995)
Commentary on "uncovering awareness: medical and ethical challenges in diagnosing and treating the minimally conscious state"., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Posner Jerome B. , Cerebrum, 2010 May, Volume 2010, p.12, (2010)
Gating of local network signals appears as stimulus-dependent activity envelopes in striate cortex., Schiff, N D., Purpura K P., and Victor J D. , J Neurophysiol, 1999 Nov, Volume 82, Issue 5, p.2182-96, (1999)
Cognitive Motor Dissociation Following Severe Brain Injuries., Schiff, Nicholas D. , JAMA Neurol, 2015 Dec, Volume 72, Issue 12, p.1413-5, (2015)
Treating Disorders of Consciousness With Apomorphine: Protocol for a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Using Multimodal Assessments., Sanz, Leandro R. D., Lejeune Nicolas, Blandiaux Séverine, Bonin Estelle, Thibaut Aurore, Stender Johan, Farber Neal M., Zafonte Ross D., Schiff Nicholas D., Laureys Steven, et al. , Front Neurol, 2019, Volume 10, p.248, (2019)
A Neurologic Examination for Anesthesiologists: Assessing Arousal Level during Induction, Maintenance, and Emergence., Reshef, Edith R., Schiff Nicholas D., and Brown Emery N. , Anesthesiology, 2019 Mar, Volume 130, Issue 3, p.462-471, (2019)
General strategy for hierarchical decomposition of multivariate time series: implications for temporal lobe seizures., Repucci, M A., Schiff N D., and Victor J D. , Ann Biomed Eng, 2001 Dec, Volume 29, Issue 12, p.1135-49, (2001)
The Auditory-Brainstem Response to Continuous, Non-repetitive Speech Is Modulated by the Speech Envelope and Reflects Speech Processing., Reichenbach, Chagit S., Braiman Chananel, Schiff Nicholas D., Hudspeth A J., and Reichenbach Tobias , Front Comput Neurosci, 2016, Volume 10, p.47, (2016)
Improving precision in therapeutics for brain recovery: throwing out the bath water and not the baby., Ratan, Rajiv R., and Goldfine Andrew M. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2011 Dec, Volume 24, Issue 6, p.556-7, (2011)
Protecting and repairing the brain: central and peripheral strategies define the New Rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury., Ratan, Rajiv R., and Schiff Nicholas D. , Curr Opin Neurol, 2018 Dec, Volume 31, Issue 6, p.669-671, (2018)
Evolving Applications, Technological Challenges and Future Opportunities in Neuromodulation: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank., Ramirez-Zamora, Adolfo, Giordano James J., Gunduz Aysegul, Brown Peter, Sanchez Justin C., Foote Kelly D., Almeida Leonardo, Starr Philip A., Bronte-Stewart Helen M., Hu Wei, et al. , Front Neurosci, 2017, Volume 11, p.734, (2017)