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Large-scale brain dynamics in disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D., Nauvel Tanya, and Victor Jonathan D. , Curr Opin Neurobiol, 2014 Apr, Volume 25C, p.7-14, (2014)
Recovery of consciousness after severe brain injury: the role of arousal regulation mechanisms and some speculation on the heart-brain interface., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Cleve Clin J Med, 2010 Jul, Volume 77 Suppl 3, p.S27-33, (2010)
A neuromodulation strategy for rational therapy of complex brain injury states., Schiff, N D., Rezai A R., and Plum F , Neurol Res, 2000 Apr, Volume 22, Issue 3, p.267-72, (2000)
Central thalamic deep brain stimulation to support anterior forebrain mesocircuit function in the severely injured brain., Schiff, Nicholas D. , J Neural Transm (Vienna), 2016 07, Volume 123, Issue 7, p.797-806, (2016)
Characteristic nonlinearities of the 3/s ictal electroencephalogram identified by nonlinear autoregressive analysis., Schiff, N D., Victor J D., Canel A, and Labar D R. , Biol Cybern, 1995, Volume 72, Issue 6, p.519-26, (1995)
Measurements and models of cerebral function in the severely injured brain., Schiff, Nicholas D. , J Neurotrauma, 2006 Oct, Volume 23, Issue 10, p.1436-49, (2006)
Disorders of consciousness. Preface., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Laureys Steven , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2009 Mar, Volume 1157, p.ix-xi, (2009)
Residual cerebral activity and behavioural fragments can remain in the persistently vegetative brain., Schiff, Nicholas D., Ribary Urs, Moreno Diana Rodriguez, Beattie Bradley, Kronberg Eugene, Blasberg Ronald, Giacino Joseph, McCagg Caroline, Fins Joseph J., Llinás Rodolfo, et al. , Brain, 2002 Jun, Volume 125, Issue Pt 6, p.1210-34, (2002)
Cortical function in the persistent vegetative state., Schiff, ND, and Plum F , Trends Cogn Sci, 1999 Feb, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.43-44, (1999)
Possible relationships of anesthetic coma and pathological disorders of consciousness., Schiff, N.D., and Plum F. , Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience: Neural Mechanisms of Anesthesia Edited by Josph F. Antognini et al., Totowa, p.75-86, (2002)
Another "Awakenings"., Schiff, Nicholas D., and Posner Jerome B. , Ann Neurol, 2007 Jul, Volume 62, Issue 1, p.5-7, (2007)
fMRI reveals large-scale network activation in minimally conscious patients., Schiff, N D., Rodriguez-Moreno D, Kamal A, Kim K H. S., Giacino J T., Plum F, and Hirsch J , Neurology, 2005 Feb 8, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.514-23, (2005)
Predominant downgaze ophthalmoparesis in anti-Hu encephalomyelitis., Schiff, N D., Moore D F., and Winterkorn J M. , J Neuroophthalmol, 1996 Dec, Volume 16, Issue 4, p.302-3, (1996)
Central thalamic contributions to arousal regulation and neurological disorders of consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2008, Volume 1129, p.105-18, (2008)
Central Lateral Thalamic Nucleus Stimulation Awakens Cortex via Modulation of Cross-Regional, Laminar-Specific Activity during General Anesthesia., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Neuron, 2020 04 08, Volume 106, Issue 1, p.1-3, (2020)
Dissecting DBS Dynamics through quantitative behavioral assessments and statistical modeling: a commentary on Cooper et al. 2011., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Exp Neurol, 2012 Feb, Volume 233, Issue 2, p.747-8, (2012)
Does vestibular stimulation activate thalamocortical mechanisms that reintegrate impaired cortical regions?, Schiff, N D., and Pulver M , Proc Biol Sci, 1999 Feb 22, Volume 266, Issue 1417, p.421-3, (1999)
Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle., Schiff, Nicholas D., Giacino Joseph T., and Fins Joseph J. , Arch Neurol, 2009 Jun, Volume 66, Issue 6, p.697-702, (2009)
Posterior medial corticothalamic connectivity and consciousness., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Ann Neurol, 2012 Sep, Volume 72, Issue 3, p.305-6, (2012)
Towards a neurophysiological foundation for cognitive neuromodulation through deep brain stimulation., Schiff, N.D., and Purpura K P. , Thalamus and Related Systems, 31 July 2002, Volume 2, p.55-69, (2002)
Uncovering hidden integrative cerebral function in the intensive care unit., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Brain, 2017 Sep 01, Volume 140, Issue 9, p.2259-2262, (2017)
Modeling the minimally conscious state: measurements of brain function and therapeutic possibilities., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Prog Brain Res, 2005, Volume 150, p.473-93, (2005)
Recovery of consciousness after brain injury: a mesocircuit hypothesis., Schiff, Nicholas D. , Trends Neurosci, 2010 Jan, Volume 33, Issue 1, p.1-9, (2010)
The role of arousal and "gating" systems in the neurology of impaired consciousness., Schiff, N D., and Plum F , J Clin Neurophysiol, 2000 Sep, Volume 17, Issue 5, p.438-52, (2000)
Nonlinear autoregressive analysis of the 3/second ictal EEG: implications for underlying dynamics., Schiff, N.D., Victor J D., and Canel Annemarie , Biological Cybernetics, Volume 72, p.527-532, (1995)